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Meet Dr. Brooks Robertson

The Path to Chiropractic

Dr. Brooks Robertson grew up in Roland, Oklahoma in a family of people committed to service. Many in his family are teachers, and his father owned his own business. Dr. Brooks knew early on that he wanted to help others with his own company.

As an athlete, Dr. Brooks understood the importance of chiropractic care. While at Southwestern Oklahoma State University (where he met his future wife, Dr. MiKayla), he had roommates who were brothers and whose father was a chiropractor. When the dad would visit, he would adjust them all and explain the chiropractic philosophy to Dr. Brooks.

Specializing in Upper Cervical Care

Dr. Brooks fell in love with the chiropractic approach that celebrates the innate intelligence of the body and seeks to optimize it naturally. He enrolled at Parker Chiropractic in College in Dallas, where he discovered Advanced Orthogonal Upper Cervical specific care. After graduating from Parker, he went on to pursue advanced training at the Advanced Orthogonal Institute in St. Petersburg, Florida.

He is a Board Certified Advanced Atlas Orthogonal provider. He is also certified by the American Veterinary and Chiropractic Association to provide chiropractic care to animals.

Upper cervical care focuses on the top vertebrae of the spine and its relationship with the brain stem. Dr. Brooks’ expertise in this area allows him to help many patients with long-standing chronic conditions who have “tried everything ” with no results. This same approach is helpful in providing care for performance horses who are not functioning as well as they should.

Family Focused

Like Dr. MiKayla, Dr. Brooks is committed to family. It was his family who inspired him to pursue a career of service, and he strives to create a sense of family and community within our practice as well.

Away from the Office

Dr. Brooks is a self-proclaimed hobbyist, and he enjoys many leisure activities like golfing with Dr. MiKayla, hunting, reading, playing the guitar and spending time outdoors.

Schedule Today

Contact us today to book an appointment with Dr. Brooks. He makes farm calls for horses.

Dr. Brooks Robertson | (580) 339-8078